Вещи Синдиката

Материал из SS220 Paradise Wiki (SS13)
Версия от 16:25, 20 октября 2020; imported>Jehvehard (Поправка ошибки)
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Агенты Синдиката получают доступ к таким вещам во время Traitor и Nuke Ops.

Для эксклюзивных вещей режима Nuclear Agent, пройдите сюда.

Возвращаемые Вещи

На данный момент единственными возвращаемыми вещами предателей являются: Martial Arts ScrollScroll1.png и Holoparasite Injector Combathypo.gif


Предмет Местонахождение Назначение Описание
Аплинк Синдиката
Syndicate uplink.png
Вы появляетесь с одним таким Заказ предметов Синдиката Предателем или Оперативником То, откуда предатель берёт все свои прикольные штучки. Замаскирован под ПДА или наушники (или под радио при режиме Ядерной Угрозы). Если это ПДА, вам необходимо будет ввести код в окно выбора рингтона, которое находится в меню сообщений. Наушнику/гарнитуре потребуется поменять частоту. Здесь вы выбираете и берёте всё, что хотите . У вас в запасе есть всего 20 телекристаллов, так что покупайте с умом.

Специальные Инструменты Для Работы

Предмет Стоимость Профессия Назначение Описание
Семена Ambrosia Cruciatus

Ambrosia Cruciatus Seeds

2 TC Ботаник


Выращивает амброзию, вызывающую галлюцинации и урон по мозгу. Пачка семян, которые выглядят на первый взгляд подобно обычной ambrosia vulgaris во время роста. Тем не менее, эти специальные семена содержат тетрагидроканнабинол и соли для ванн в отличие от стандартных химикатов в растениях вида vulgaris, вызывающие галлюцинации и повреждения мозга у всех, кто употребил или выкурил зрелое растение.
Чемодан, полный пчёл

Briefcase Full of Bees

10 TC Ботаник


Призывает огромный рой пчёл на рабочем месте . Чемодан с 2-мя использованиями , каждое из который создаст чрезвычайно ядовитых синди-пчёл, нападающих на всех (даже на вас, если не подготовитесь), в количестве 4 штук с очень примечательным звуковым сопровождением из видео "DR. BEES". Пчёлы не будут атаковать вас, если перед использованием вы введёте образец своей крови в чемодан. Пчёл можно также восстанавливать ради бесконечных приколов, добавляя странный реагент.
Безопасные Ножницы

Safety Scissors

5 TC Парикмахер


Убедите вашу цель подстричь себе волосы, а затем используйте их, чтобы получить преимущество перед боем. Пара ножниц с невероятно опасным уровнем заточки. Использование на человеке создаёт иллюзию, будто вы подстригаете волосы, и через несколько моментов вскрывает цели горло, нанося обильное кровотечение, 30 oxygen урона, и 18 brute урона. Каждый дополнительный удар наносит 18 brute урона как и энергетический кинжал, но, в отличие от него, это оружие может обезглавить цель, если вам этого хочется.
Алкогольные гильзы для дробовика

Boozey Shotgun Shells

3 TC Бармен


Оглушение и опьянение людей. Коробка, содержащая 6 травматических патронов, которые дополнительно вызывают эффект жуткого опьянения у жертвы. Чем больше видов алкоголя в теле жертвы, тем сильнее будет эффект от попадания.
Бутылка с Ядом

Poison Bottle

2 TC Бармен, Повар и Мед персонал

(Bartender, Chef and Medical)

Получение рандомной бутылки с ядом, который может ослабить, вырубить или убить цель. Бутылка, содержащая один из множества различных нелегальных химикатов, некоторые из которых могут быть найдены только внутри этой штуки. Может содержать Cyanide, Sarin, Sulfanol, Initropidril, Coniine, Venom, Ketamine, Amanitin, Polonium, Curare, Pancuronium, Sodium Thiopental, Gibbis, Наномашины, Прионы, Паучьи яйца, Concentrated Initropidril, Червей-сердцеедов и Bacon Grease.
Кукла Вуду

Voodoo Doll

13 TC Священник


Шпионаж и Надоедание. Кукла вуду используется, чтобы творить разную дичь с людьми, к которым она была привязана. Поднесите что-нибудь горящее к кукле, чтобы поднять температуру жертвы, или ткните в неё чем-то острым, чтобы ослабить цель. Смотрите чужими глазами, выбрав глаза на панели тела, или говорите от чужого лица, выбрав рот. Имейте в виду, что ваша жертва может узнать местоположение куклы вуду во время проведения одного из таких действий.
Его Светлость

His Grace
Artistic Toolbox.png

20 TC Священник


Пожирает весь экипаж станции. Доступно только в том случае, если ваша цель - захватить станцию.
  • Постоянно лечит владельца на 3 toxic /oxygen и 12 brute/burn за тик.
  • Если владелец отойдет слишком далеко от ящика с инструментами, он начнет умирать.
  • Начинает с 14 урона и получает 5 урона при каждом кормлении.
  • Чем больше его кормят, тем быстрее он снова становится голодным.
  • Необходимо регулярно кормить, иначе он съест своего хозяина.
Cтартовый Набор Миссионера

Missionary Starter Kit

15 TC Священник


Быть священником как в AoE! После того, как вы наденете свою мантию и активируете свой посох, вы сможете превратить людей в своих рабов на 10 минут (люди с mindshield неуязвимы). Обращенные в основном стандартные рабы разума, так что вы можете распоряжаться ими по своему усмотрению и сообщать о них админам, если они не подчиняются. После активации вы должны оставаться неподвижными и видеть цель в течение восьми секунд. Цель также получит уведомление о том, что происходит преобразование. После того, как вы кого-то конвертируете, вы крикните "WOLOLO" с помощью звукового сигнала, что делает вас не слишком скрытным, но если вы сделаете вид что это нормально, никто не моргнет и глазом ... наверно
Специальный Соус Chef Excellence's

Chef Excellence's Special Sauce

2 TC Повар


Делает еду опасно вкусной. Изготовленный на заказ соус из очень ядовитых грибов аманита. Аманитин будет наносить токсины только после того, как он закончит обработку внутри жертвы, а также будет наносить больше токсинов, чем дольше он был в них. Бутылка поставляется с 50 единицами соуса, чтобы "ароматизировать" вашу еду.
Тесак Для Мяса

Meat Cleaver
Meat Cleaver.png

10 TC Повар


Быть страшным маньяком со склонностью к каннибализму. Зловещий тесак для мяса, который наносит 25 brute повреждений, а также имеет дополнительное преимущество - рубит вашу жертву на куски мяса после того, как она умерла. Используйте свой бесплатный точильный камень, если вы действительно хотите, чтобы кто-то умер раньше, чем позже.
Донк Пакеты Синдиката

Syndicate Donk Pockets

2 TC Повар


Вкусный способ залечить травмы, противостоять оглушению и увеличить скорость передвижения. Коробка узкоспециализированных Донк пакетов с несколькими регенерирующих и стимулирующих химических веществ внутри них. Употребление одного из них излечит все виды повреждений, отрегулирует температуру тела, предотвратит удушье, увеличит скорость движения и быстрее восстановится после оглушения. Не рекомендуется есть более одного из них в быстрой последовательности, так как вы будете передозировать некоторые из химических веществ внутри. В отличие от обычных Донк пакетов, они предварительно нагреваются внутри коробки и могут быть съедены, как только их достанут.
Перчатки Карманника

Pickpocket's Gloves
Black Gloves.png

6 TC Ассистент


Воровать вкусности у ничего не подозревающей команды и класть пончики или активные бомбы в карманы людей. Пара гладких перчаток для помощи в карманном воровстве, в то время как вы носите их, вы можете видеть предметы внутри карманов любого ничего не подозревающего, грабить ИД карты или карманы без их ведома, и карманник кладет предмет прямо в вашу руку.
Клоунский Magboots

Clown Magboots

3 TC Клоун


Пара модифицированных клоунских туфель, оснащенных усовершенствованной системой магнитной тяги. Выглядят и звучит совсем как клоунские башмаки. Вы двигаетесь с одинаковой скоростью независимо от их активации, отлично подходит для этих нарушений скольжения!

Banana Grenade

5 TC Клоун


Месть Службе безопасности, которые отняли у тебя кожуру от банана. Граната, которая взрывается в ХОНК! фирменная банановая кожура, которая генетически модифицирована, чтобы быть особенно скользкой и выдавливать едкую кислоту, когда на нее наступают. Кожура складывается, так что несколько бананов на одной плитке могут оказаться столь же смертоносными, как и смехотворна смотреть.
Фальшивый Револьвер

Trick Revolver

1 TC Клоун


Устраивать величайшие розыгрыши над этими надоедливыми охотниками за добычи. Револьвер с забавным поворотом - любой, кто попытается выстрелить в него, получит выстрел прямо в лицо, убивая их мгновенно. Выглядит идентично реальной сделке, так что будьте ПРЕДЕЛЬНО осторожны, если вы собираетесь использовать обычный револьвер рядом с этим!
Силовые Перчатки

Power Gloves

10 TC Инженерный Отдел


Подключение к электросети станции, чтобы шокировать или убить людей. Они выглядят как пара изолированных перчаток, поэтому они очень незаметны. Нажатие на кого-то в видимой плитке, стоя на линии электропередачи, запустит удар силы-молнию из рук пользователя, оглушая или убивая цель. Короткое замыкание блоков СМЕС от энергосистемы и добавление большего количества коллекторов к сингулярности создаст более мощный шок, что позволит оружию убивать или даже уничтожать цели. Как отказ от ответственности, они на самом деле не защищают от поражения электрическим током, они просто выглядят как изолированные перчатки.
Моя Близость

Proximity Mine

4 TC Уборщик


Взрывоопасное напоминание о том, что они должны ходить, когда пол мокрый. Противопехотная бесконтактная мина, хитро замаскированная под предупреждающий знак мокрого пола, срабатывает при пробеге мимо нее, активирует ее, чтобы запустить 15-секундный таймер, и снова активирует, чтобы разоружиться.
Лазерное Излучение

Radiation Laser

5 TC Мед отдел


Убийство. Недееспособность. Нарушив клятву Гиппократа. Лазер излучения, скрытый внутри анализатора здоровья, после умеренной задержки вызывает временный коллапс и излучение. Имеет регулируемое управление, но не будет функционировать как обычный анализатор здоровья, а только выглядит как один из них. Может неправильно функционировать на радиационно-стойких гуманоидах!
Вирусный Инжектор

Viral Injector

3 TC Вирусолог


Заставляя ваших коллег начать блевать, находясь в огне Гипоспрей, способный передавать вирус, скрытый в виде функциональной пипетки. Вирусный инжектор работает как обычная пипетка, но при использовании против экипажа он будет незаметно вводить содержимое в жертву, передавая любые вирусы внутри содержимого


7 TC Отделы Медицины & Науки

(Medical & Science)

Быстрое самоисцеление. Крайне незаконное соединение, содержащееся в компактном автоинжекторе; при введении оно делает пользователя невосприимчивым к оглушению и значительно повышает способность организма к самовосстановлению.
ММИ Синдиката

Syndicate MMI
MMI empty.png

2 TC Роботехник


Сделайте киборга лояльным к Синдикату при активации. Нелегальный ММИ, который навязывает законы синдиката киборгов любому мозгу, помещенному в него. Это не выдает имя человека, который использовал ММИ в качестве емаг, но киборг также не лоялен к вам одному, а это означает, что он может помогать другим агентам и отказываться причинять им вред, основываясь на своих законах.
3 TC Библиотекарь


Последнее средство для того, чтобы взорвать того парня, который забыл заказать пиццу на игре D&D. Неотличим от обычных кубиков, к тому же взрывается через 3 секунды после броска. Радиус взрыва зависит от вашего броска, но в целом он довольно мощный, 15 сравним с бомбой синдиката, 20 взрывается больше, чем крышка бомбы, и прокатка 1 мгновенно убьет вас. В отличие от гранат, вы не переходите автоматически в режим броска после их прокатки. Ты тоже должен быть осторожен. Если матрица катится что-то выше 15, вам будет очень трудно избежать радиуса взрыва, даже если вы бросите ее сразу после затравки.


12 TC Директор Исследовании

(Research Director)

Телепортация угроз или целей. Чрезвычайно высокотехнологичная энергетическая пушка,которая использует технологию Блюспейс для телепортации живых целей. Выберите целевой маяк на самом телепушке; снаряды будут посылать цели к маяку, зафиксированному на нем.
Комбинезон Акробата

Contortionist Jumpsuit

6 TC Специалист По Жизнеобеспечению

(Life Support Specialist)

Протискиваясь через вентиляционные отверстия. Этот очень гибкий комбинезон позволяет вам протискиваться через трубопроводы станции, чтобы быстро и почти бесшумно добраться до комнат. ALT + Click любую вентиляцию, чтобы забраться в нее. Однако у вас не должно быть никакого рюкзака или ремня, только карманы!
Пожарный топор под напряжением

Energized Fireaxe

10 TC Специалист По Жизнеобеспечению

(Life Support Specialist)

Воевать с людьми, а не с пожарами. Специальный пожарный топор, который может хранить электрические заряды. Он наносит бонус 30 burn повреждений любому, кто попадет в него, пока у него есть заряд, а также наносит 30 brute повреждений и бронебойную ценность 20. Он начинается с одного заряда, но вы можете добавить к нему еще больше зарядов, разбив окна и решетки вокруг станции, с 4% - ным шансом добавить новый заряд с каждым уничтоженным зарядом. Имейте в виду, что он имеет очень очевидное название, когда кто-то осматривает вас и искрится, когда орудует, так что это не рекомендуется для скрытности!
Руководство по продвинутым Мим

Guide to Advanced Mimery
Advanced Mimery.png

10 TC Мим


Используя свои руки, чтобы стрелять пулями и строить стены Коробка, содержащая две книги, каждая из которых дает новую способность к пантомиме. Первая способность-пальцевый пистолет, который позволяет вам стрелять шестью пулями из вашей руки, которые оглушают и наносят урон выносливости. Вторая способность-это улучшенная стена, которая создает временную, невидимую, непроницаемую стену 3х1 перед вашим персонажем. Обе способности находятся на 60-секундном перезарядке, но могут быть использованы столько раз, сколько вы хотите.
Дробовик-Трость И Убийственные Снаряды

Shotgun Cane & Assassination Shells

10 TC Мим


Незаметно и бесшумно взрывая свою цель картечью снарядов Коробка, содержащая дробовик, замаскированный под трость, а также 7 специализированных патронов для убийства (один заряжен в трость плюс шесть в коробке). Трость может держать только один снаряд, но она глушится и при осмотре не выдает себя за пистолет. Снаряды, входящие в комплект, работают аналогично картечи и действительно полезны только в упор, но имеют дополнительное преимущество-заставляют ваших жертв замолчать при ударе, делая их неспособными кричать о помощи.
Граната Для Доставки Диких Кошек

Feral Cat Delivery Grenade

4 TC Психолог


Призывает милых котят, чтобы убить все, что попадется на глаза. Граната для доставки диких кошек содержит 5 обезвоженных диких кошек аналогично обезвоженным обезьянам, которые после детонации будут регидрированы небольшим резервуаром воды, содержащимся внутри гранаты. Тогда эти кошки нападут на все, что попадется им на глаза.
Отравленная ручка

Poison Pen

2 TC Карго, Библиотекарь, Глава Персонала

(Cargo, Librarian, Head of Personnel)

Превращение бумажной работы в смертельное оружие. Хитрая ручка, наполненная ядом аманитина. При использовании этой ручки на любом листе бумаги вы будете зашнуровывать ее специальным контактным вариантом яда, который будет применяться к следующему человеку, чтобы забрать его. Однако имейте в виду, что он не будет применять яд к тем, кто носит перчатки, которые предотвращают передачу отпечатков пальцев - например, изолированные перчатки. Поставляется с достаточным количеством яда для 3-х применений и применяет 15 единиц на дозу.
Мод "Давления" Kinetic Accelerator

Kinetic Accelerator Pressure Mod

5 TC Шахтер


Модернизируйте свой Kinetic Accelerator, чтобы нанести больше урона в помещении. Специальный модкит для вашего Kinetic Accelerator, который уменьшает или устраняет снижение урона, которое он обычно получает в герметичной среде. Использование одного модкита уменьшит штраф до 20 единиц урона, а использование двух позволит ускорителю нанести полные 40 единиц урона в помещении. Каждый модкит использует 35 модовых мощностей пистолета, так что обычно у вас будет достаточно места только для 2 из них.

Highly Visible and Dangerous Weapons

Direct Weapons

Item Cost Damage Type Damage Description
Energy Sword
8 TC Brute 3 inactive
30 active / +35 Armor Piercing
This is a melee weapon that can do a lot of brute damage. It has two states, on and off. When it's off, you can fit it into your pocket, but it only does about 3 brute damage. Click on it to switch between the two states. It has a 50% chance to block projectiles and melee attacks when active. It has a very distinctive noise when switching states, as well as when using it to commit murder. Don't expect to be hidden for very long after using it.
Double Energy Sword
16 TC Brute 3 inactive
34 active / +35 Armor Piercing
A melee weapon created by attaching two Energy Swords together. It has higher damage and a higher block chance (75%) than the Energy Sword, while also reflecting 100% of energy projectiles while wielded in both hands.
Gloves of the North Star
8 TC Brute Standard melee damage for your species. A pair of Fingerless gloves that allows you to punch dramatically quicker, if you are not holding an item within your hands.
8 TC Brute 12 / 24 / 36 A piston-powered metal fist that is fueled by any gas tank onboard the station. It launches anyone hit by the fist backwards and deals 12 brute damage multiplied by the power setting, which you can adjust with a wrench. The type of gas you use to fuel the fist doesn't alter its behavior, so feel free to use oxygen or air tanks which are easily found across the station. Do note that higher power settings will use more gas, so carrying some spare tanks is a wise idea if you plan to make heavy use of this item. You can remove attached tanks by using a screwdriver.
13 TC Stun + Brute 40 The chainsaw is an extremely lethal and visible weapon. It cannot be stored in a backpack and makes a very noticeable noise when on. When used on a corpse, it will carve them into chunks of meat, leaving nothing to be cloned.
Energy Crossbow
Energy crossbow.png
12 TC Stun + Toxin 15 Toxin While it is a useful weapon, it is another one of those extremely recognizable weapons. There is no "X shot Y" message, but the dart can be seen depending on how BYOND feels today, and there might be a slight sound. This weapon automatically recharges over time, which means unlike a revolver it won't run out of ammo.
Syndicate .357 Revolver
13 TC Brute 60 It's a gun. Click on someone and you shoot at them. If you're out of bullets, you'll just hit them with your gun, which does a smashing 5 brute damage. Careful, the revolver's pretty loud and nearby people will hear it. Also, keep in mind there's only 7 shots. Takes .357 ammo, can be printed out of a hacked autolathe.
FK-69 Stechkin 10mm Pistol
4 TC Brute 30 It's a gun. Click on someone and you shoot at them. Can be outfitted with a silencer. Takes 10mm ammo, can be printed from a hacked autolathe. Magazine size of 8 bullets.
Compact Sniper Rifle
16 TC Stun + Brute 70 A weakened, but still powerful version of the Nuclear Operatives signature Sniper Rifle. The 4 .50 compact rounds included cannot blow off limbs or destroy objects, but still deal a whopping 70 brute damage and stun anyone hit by them. This version of the rifle has a faster fire rate and lacks the recoil of the standard version, however it lacks a scope, more ammo cannot be purchased and it cannot be silenced.


Item Cost Purpose Description
12 TC Summoning a holoparasite Guardian When injected, causes a parasitic nanomachine entity known as a guardian to become attached to the user. These entities can have many different dangerous abilities, such as igniting targets or creating explosive traps. While personally immortal, damaged sustained by the holoparasite is redirected as brute damage onto the host, bypassing armor and making it clear to viewers who is the host.
Mind Batterer
5 TC Stunning crew. The mind batterer has 5 charges. It can be used by clicking on it while it's in your active hand. When used everyone within your screen has a 50% chance of being stunned. Everyone affected will receive a notification about something messing with their brain as well as a distinct sound effect, so there's no being sneaky with this item.


Item Cost Damage Type Damage Description
Magazine - 10mm
Ammo 10mm.png
1 TC Brute 30 Brute This is ammo for the pistol. It can be used by clicking on an empty pistol while you hold the ammo in your active hand. More rounds in boxed form can be produced from an autolathe, so this is mostly useless unless you lost the initial magazine from the pistol or you can't access an autolathe.
Magazine - 10mm Armor Piercing
Ammo 10mm.png
2 TC Brute 27 Brute / +40 Armor Piercing Armor-Piercing bullets for the pistol. They deal a little less damage than regular bullets, but the damage won't be reduced or blocked by most of the armor or hard-suits you'll find on board the station.
Magazine - 10mm Incendiary
Ammo 10mm.png
2 TC Brute 30 Brute / Ignites target Fiery bullets for the pistol. Anyone hit by them will be instantly set on fire, making them great for crowd control against teams of security who promptly run into each other while on fire.
Magazine - 10mm Hollow Point
Ammo 10mm.png
3 TC Brute 40 Brute / -50 Armor Piercing Hollow-Point bullets for the pistol. Deals a lot more damage than regular bullets, but will be much more easily stopped by any armored clothing a target is wearing. For best results, aim for a body location that they have not covered with some sort of clothing.
Speedloader - .357
Ammo 357.png
3 TC Brute 60 Brute This is ammo for the revolver. It gives the revolver seven more shots. It can be used by clicking on an empty revolver while you hold the ammo in your active hand. This can be made and recycled in a hacked autolathe, making this mostly useless unless you can't access an autolathe.

Stealthy and Inconspicuous Weapons

Direct Weapons

Item Cost Damage Type Damage Description
Energy Dagger
2 TC Brute 18 Essentially a more lightweight energy sword. This device can be disguised as a pen to be stored within a PDA when off. It also functions as a pen when turned off.
Dart Pistol Kit
4 TC Variable Variable A miniaturized version of a normal syringe gun. It is very quiet when fired and can fit into any space a small item can. It also doesn't make a chat log when firing. The dart can be seen while in the air. Comes with 3 labelled syringes in a box, containing capulettium plus, sarin and pancuronium.
Toy gun ( Stun darts )
3 TC Stamina 25 Fires riot foam darts which deal temporary stamina damage. A single clip contains 7 darts and it takes about 5 successful hits to knock the target out, but it won't last for long. The foam darts can be recollected easily by ejecting the magazine out of the pistol and then clicking on a dart with it. You will automatically collect all the darts on the ground, with which you can keep pounding the poor sucker into submission all over again! Even if you fail to knock your target out, enough hits and he'll be too slow to run away from you if you act fast enough.
Box of Throwing Weapons
3 TC Brute/Stun 20/Trips Comes with 5 throwing stars and 2 reinforced bolas. The Throwing stars do a respectable 20 damage when thrown and are guaranteed to embed in the target, hindering them and causing pain until removed by surgery, though this makes retrieving them from your enemy somewhat challenging. The bolas leg-cuffs its target, but on top of that trips them up when they are first hit, rendering them prone for just a moment.


Item Cost Purpose Description
Martial Arts Scroll
17 TC Turning your average brawler into Bruce Lee. The single-use scroll teaches a person the sleeping carp martial art. After you use this scroll you will be unable to use any ranged weapons, however a wielder of this knowledge will automatically block all projectiles(not toggle-able). Your standard melee damage with your fists increases to a smashing 10-15 brute damage per hit along with a chance to stun with standard attacks that increases based on the total brute damage a target has taken so far. It also makes all grabs start as aggressive and changes the attack verbs used, as well as making you shout silly stuff making it apparent you've become a master of Carp Fu. You also get a new set of moves that can be displayed by recalling your teachings in the new sleeping carp tab.
Dehydrated Space Carp
2 TC Make people sleep with the fishes. Just add water to make your very own hostile to everything space carp. It looks just like a plushie. Double click to bind the carp to you prior to hydrating it.
Sleepy Pen
8 TC Making people fall asleep and drawing glasses on them afterwards. This devious little pen is a hypospray in disguise. It comes pre-loaded with 100 units of Ketamine, a tranquilizing reagent which will put a target to sleep after about 20 seconds. When you use it on someone, they'll be injected with 50 units of the chemical inside the pen, unless they are wearing a hardsuit which will block it. This is a silent injection so the receiver will receive no notification, although most people will be incredibly suspicious when they start suffering ill effects after you bump into them. The pen can be drained or refilled with a syringe.
Universal Suppressor
1 TC Covert ranged combat. Fitted for use on any small caliber weapon with a threaded barrel, this suppressor will suppress the shots of the weapon for increased stealth and superior ambushing capability.
Syndicate Soap
1 TC Hiding murder and slipping vigilantes. It's a bar of evil looking soap that cleans things at an accelerated rate to normal soap.
Fiber Wire Garrote
10 TC Strangling and re-locating victims. The fiber wire garrote will instantly immitate a choke hold with kill intent ( your target will be helpless against you and will be slowly dying ), as well as making the person unable to scream over the radio so long as you don't holster the garrote. You must be behind the person to use the garrote.
False-Bottomed Briefcase
3 TC Concealing a firearm and unloading it when least expected. A briefcase with a hidden compartment that can store anything normal-sized or smaller. If you hide a gun inside you can fire it at will while holding the briefcase, making it an excellent tool for an ambush! To use the hidden compartment, use a screwdriver on the briefcase and then place the desired item inside before closing the compartment by using the screwdriver again. Be warned that anyone can use this briefcase's hidden function or open the compartment if they have the tools!
Camera Flash
2 TC Blinding people and stunning cyborgs. An advanced flash device that behaves much the same way as the one security uses. This devious version comes disguised as a camera and will not burn out like the normal variant - instead it uses a recharging battery allowing traitors to keep using it even after they burn through all 5 charges.

Stealth and Camouflage Items

Item Cost Purpose Description
Agent ID Card
Id card.png
2 TC Upon use, you can set it's job title to anything and the card's name to anything. It's used to hide your identity. This is a special ID card that makes you untrackable by the AI. You can repeatedly forge any name and assignment on it and make it look more like a real ID, but the card will only have Maintenance Tunnel and External Airlock access initially, so try to use it in an Identification Computer. Remember to wear it on your ID slot or it will not work. Scan your Agent ID over a stolen ID card to gain that card's access. Previous access is not replaced when scanning a new card, allowing you to make a ghetto all access card with some effort.
Camera Bug
Camera Bug.png
1 TC Spying through, bugging and remotely EMP'ing cameras on the station. A portable camera monitor with a number of functions. Using it in your hand will let you spy through any camera on the station and using it on a station camera will bug it, which will then let you disable the camera temporarily through the camera bug's interface.
Chameleon Kit
Chameleon jumpsuit.gif
4 TC (6TC for Nuclear Operatives) Helps you hide your identity, infiltrate departments and impersonate other crew members. A box of several chameleon clothing items, a chameleon stamp for falsifying paperwork and a voice changing gas mask to help you keep your true identity a secret. You can use the action buttons for each piece of clothing to select a specific design, or use the change outfit action to quickly set several items of clothing to match that of a specified job. The voice changer allows you to set it to any name you want and can be toggled off and on when needed. Be warned that an EMP blast with cause all chameleon items to go haywire and change their design rapidly, making you look ridiculous and instantly blowing your cover! The shoes included in this kit are not the no-slip shoes, just regular ones you can disguise.
Chameleon Stamp
Chameleon Stamp.png
1 TC Falsifying Paperwork Can be disguised to look and function like other department's stamps, even the Captain's or the NT Representative's. Most players in big positions are willing to go the extra mile for you if you provide paperwork and seem like a trustworthy person. You can also get this stamp inside the chameleon kit.
Chameleon projector.gif
7 TC Hiding as an item on the station. Looks like a cloaker, but allows you to scan any item that can be picked up and then disguise yourself as that item. While disguised you move at walk speed and cannot interact with anything you're not already holding, and if someone tries to pick you up the disguise fails and you change back to normal. Incredibly useful, and a lot of fun, if you use it correctly. You cannot be detected by the AI, or even people with x-ray vision.
Chameleon Security HUD
Sec hud.png
2 TC Annoy Security, protect yourself from flashes A Security HUD that uses chameleon technology, letting you disguise it as most kinds of eyewear. When worn, it can be used like a normal Security HUD (i.e. setting criminal status on others, or removing it from yourself). Also protects you from flashes.
Chameleon Flag
1 TC Dealing with those pesky flag-burning civilians. A flag that can be disguised as any other known flag. There is a hidden spot in the pole to boobytrap the flag with a grenade or minibomb, which will detonate some time after the flag is set on fire.
DNA Scrambler
DNA Scrambler.gif
4 TC Getting a Fresh Start. A syringe with one injection that randomizes appearance and name upon use, as well as clearing your character's flavor text. A cheaper but less versatile alternative to an agent card and chameleon kit. Be warned that your new identity will not be on the crew manifest and your ID card won't update with your new name, which will make you very suspicious if found out.
F.R.A.M.E Cartridge
Pda cartrige.png
4 TC Pinning the blame on an innocent. A PDA cartridge which allows you to upload a virus onto a PDA with it's messenger on. The virus will create an uplink and force it open, while you will receive the code for it. You can charge the F.R.A.M.E cartridge with raw telecrystals to give the virus uplink telecrystals. If the PDA targeted already has an uplink, it will not change their lock code.
Chameleon No-Slip Shoes
2 TC (4TC for Nuclear Operatives) Non slip shoes, aka galoshes. A pair of chameleon shoes that keep you from slipping on slippery floor tiles or objects as well as protecting you from falling over in an atmospheric breach. Unlike regular galoshes, these shoes do not have a movement penalty.
Smuggler's Satchel
Smuggler's Satchel.png
2 TC Hiding stuff. A satchel that's thin enough to be hidden underneath station floor tiles, great for stashing your stolen goods. It has slightly less space than a standard backpack and cannot store boxes or additional smuggler's satchels. Comes with a crowbar and a floor tile inside.
EMP Flashlight
2 TC Discretly EMPing things. The flashlight functions like a normal one, but if you click at a tile or object next to you, it will EMP everything on that tile. Starts with 4 charges and slowly regenerates back up to 4 over time.
Safe-cracking Kit
1 TC Picking that pesky safe, quietly. When the drill is too loud and those codes are missing, this is your quiet bet on opening up that infernal box. Comes with a stethoscope, a balaclava, some nitrile gloves and a guide to hacking those safe tumblers.
Chameleon Thermal Glasses
6 TC Seeing people through walls. A special set of glasses which can see warm bodies through walls, including cyborgs, xenos, humans, monkeys, and the AI due to their similar warm organic body parts. You also can change the appearance of the glasses just like with other chameleon clothing items. Be mindful that you are much more vulnerable to flashes while wearing these, so take them off when doing tasks such as welding.
Adaptive Cardboard Cutouts
1 TC Pranking the crew with realistic looking cardboard cutouts. A set of 3 blank cardboard cutouts and a marker to paint them with. Unlike regular cutouts these Syndicate ones have less discoloration, making them seem more legitimate to anyone that finds it. Often used to trick crew into thinking a different kind of threat is on the station, but can divert security in the process!

Grenades and Explosives

Item Cost Purpose Description
Plastic Explosives
1 TC Blowing stuff up. This pack of explosives can detonate and destroy anything it is set on, after any chosen amount of seconds. It takes 10 seconds to set this, and requires you to be un-interrupted. You can click it to set the timer.
Pack of C4 Explosives
4 TC Blowing a lot of stuff up. A box that comes loaded with 5 packs of C4 explosive, making for a 20% bulk buyers discount. A good deal if you're planning to blow open a lot of airlocks or sabotage several pieces of equipment.
Syndicate Bomb
Syndicate Bomb.png
11 TC Set it up in a secluded or public location, activate the timer. Excellent for forcing a shuttle call. The Syndicate Bomb has an adjustable timer with a minimum setting of 90 seconds. Ordering the bomb sends you a small beacon, which will teleport the explosive to your location when you activate it. You can wrench the bomb down to prevent removal. While active, it will constantly make a beeping noise which gets louder as it approaches the detonation time. It is also possible for the bomb to be defused if it is found quickly enough.
Syndicate Minibomb
6 TC Creating a breach, breaking into places, gibbing someone, accidently blowing yourself up. Creates an explosion of (1, 2, 4) at detonation. Use for quick area denial, destruction of a target, or asking the HoP for access to a glorious death before self-detonating.
Detomatix Cartridge
Pda cartrige.png
6 TC Making other peoples PDA's explode A cartridge for your PDA. When inserted, it will allow you to use the detonate function in the messenger program to attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a moderately lethal explosion. Your target PDA will need the messenger function turned on in order to attempt this and the program can be used up to 5 times per cart. In addition, there is a chance the cartridge will not work or will feedback and blow up your own PDA, based on the number of programs installed to the PDA you are attempting to blow up. Other agent's PDAs will also block the detonation attempt, but will refund the charge. Despite this, it is a decent way of sowing panic aboard the station, or softening up a target for an assassination attempt. For operatives this cartridge has the blast door toggled function for the syndicate shuttle as well, allowing you to open the door without the military PDA.
Pizza Bomb
5 TC Not getting your pizza delivery tip. A pizza box with a bomb taped inside of it. Open it once to prime the bomb and adjust the timer, which is defaulted to three seconds, and the next time the box is opened it will trigger the detonation.
Knockout Gas Grenades
8 TC Sending several nearby crew members into a cozy, restful sleep. A box of two cluster grenades filled with N2O. Once they detonate the gas will quickly spread across rooms and knock anyone nearby out if they aren't wearing internals. Be cautious on using these grenades if there are any races who do not need to breathe or are always on internals, they will be useless against them!
Plasma Gas Grenades
12 TC Causing Major Damage to both the station and its crew A box of two cluster grenades filled with Plasma. The detonation will both release plasma gas all over the room as well as ignite it, burning through everything in its path. Anyone wearing a hardsuit that protects from fire, such as an atmospherics hardsuit, won't be affected so try to grab one yourself if possible. Only available to agents with the Hijack objective.
EMP Grenades and Implanter Kit
Flashbang box.png
2 TC Disrupting Electronics, Disabling Cyborgs, Killing IPCs A box that contains two EMP grenades and EMP implant. Useful to disrupt communication and silicon lifeforms.

Click on the Grenade to activate it and then throw it like normal grenades. Other uses include draining the batteries of APCs and completely draining the batteries of security equipment like tasers. Stun batons only have roughly ten percent of their charge lost. If you EMP a group of security officers before a fight, they'll be disarmed of their primary means of stunning you from a distance. They also stun cyborgs for a good deal of time. Beware, this will cause cybernetics/prosthetics to explode!
The implant allows you to create an EMP blast centered on yourself, usable via icon at the top of your screen. Buying this implant as an IPC is ill-advised.

Devices and Tools

Item Cost Purpose Description
Cryptographic Sequencer
6 TC Gaining entrance to restricted areas or lockers and hacking things. Also called an E-Mag (electromagnetic card), it allows you to quite literally open anything. It will open any door, locker, crate, and can short out weapon locks. The issue is that once used on something, that something breaks permanently, doors stay stuck open, locker don't lock, weapons can be used by anyone. While this can have the desired effect, it also leaves a trail for people to follow (mostly doors), it also has a fairly noticeable visual when you use it (generally sparks shooting out of whatever it was used on). But besides gaining access through mundane locks, there are a number of other uses that E-mags have. A Full list of E-Maggable Objects can be found here: E-maggable objects
Access Tuner
6 TC An all access door remote An all-access door remote that takes three seconds to remotely connect with airlock circuits. Visible while in-hand.
Radio Jammer
5 TC Disrupting nearby radio signals. A radio jammer is used in order to confuse and obfuscate nearby radio signals in a short range (12 tiles). Radio messages appear scrambled and muddled which can prevent others from being able to easily interpret the communications of those nearby. This device will not nullify radio completely, but will scramble it greatly.
Artificial Intelligence Detector
1 TC Useful to work around the AI. A functional multitool that turns red when it detects an artificial intelligence watching it or its holder. Knowing when an artificial intelligence is watching you is useful for knowing when to maintain cover.
Binary Translator Key
5 TC Monitoring AI chatter. The key must be attached to a headset. Each headset can contain up to two encryption keys, and department headsets start with one. This tool will allow you to access to the AI and cyborg's personal channel to hear their dirty synthetic secrets. Very handy for hearing if the AI is rogue, or is out to arrest you. You can speak in the binary channel with ':+'.
Syndicate Encryption Key
2 TC Communicating with other Syndicate agents. Intercepting other channels. The key must be attached to a headset. Each headset can contain up to two encryption keys, and department headsets start with one. It will intercept almost every radio message. The syndicate channel is accessed with ':t'.
Hacked AI Upload Module
12 TC Subverting the AI. It's like an AI freefom module, except your laws take priority over all others. You'll need to get at an upload console for it to work though. Be careful though, and don't give the AI wiggle room to backstab you.
Traitor Belt
2 TC Storing any small items you want on your belt. A robust seven-slot toolbelt made for carrying a broad variety of weapons, ammunition and explosives as well as normal tools. The description gives its naughty secondary usage away, keep it away from security's prying eyes.
Thermal Safe Drill
3 TC Opening that pesky safe, loudly. A large, battery powered drill that can be attached to both floor and box safes, drilling through them in five minutes flat. It will make drilling sounds and spark however, prepare for a fight. This can also be crafted on the crafting menu, as can the diamond version.
Prototype Bone Repair Kit
4 TC An autoinjector with nanocalcium within, for healing those pesky bones. The autoinjector comes with a guide on how to use it. Do not use with any stimulants, it will damage you and prevent your bones from healing. The autoinjector will make a sound when used, and will take some time to become active in your system. It can weaken, cause confusion and will cause you to collapse when the actual bone healing commences, but after some time, will start to fix any broken bones in your body. A useful alternative to seeking medical help when security is after you.
Surgery Duffelbag
2 TC Traitorous medical operations. A handy duffelbag which contains a full set of surgery tools, a straitjacket and a muzzle. The duffelbag itself is also much lighter than the ones you'll find on the station and won't slow you down while it's on your back.
Advanced Pinpointer
4 TC Finding items and crew. A pinpointer that tracks high-value items and crew on the station. Specifically, the PDA has 3 modes: 1) You can set X;Y co-ordinates and have it point you out in that direction. 2) You can locate the nuclear disk or other common objectives for traitors ( like hypospray, medals of captaincy, etc. ) 3) You can input a crew member's DNA strand to find them. You'll probably need to either get a medical crew's PDA or access to a medical logs computer for this.
Power Sink
10 TC Sucks up all the station power, causing a black-out. This bad boy is a station engineers and AI's worst enemy. When bought, this thing is useless, but when the power sink comes in contact with exposed wires out in space or on the station it starts to drain the power at a RAPID rate. You must screw it into place on a wire with a screwdriver, then turn it on. But as easy as it was set down, any one can pick it right back up!
Power Beacon
10 TC Attracting a loose singularity towards the beacon at a brisk pace. Placed like a powersink, screwdriver to secure and open hand to turn on, the power beacon will attract the singularity towards it, if it is loose. Note that for it to be useful at all the singularity needs to be released, as the beacon will not release it. A singularity beacon starts in your hand, but you cannot pick it up after deploying it. It also blocks movement over it, so be sure to spawn it where you want to set the beacon up. Unlike a powersink it does not need to be connected to an active powerline, allowing you to secure one in deep space above the station on a single floor tile.

Not available to nuke agents. Only available if your objective is to hijack the station.

Suspicious Toolbox
1 TC Obtaining tools. Filled with ordinary tools, except the welder, which is of industrial quality. It comes with a multitool and combat gloves instead of an analyser and it's also slightly more damaging than a regular toolbox, doing around 15 brute damage.

Space Suits and Hardsuits

Item Cost Coverage Brute Bullet Laser Energy Bomb Bio Rad Description
Blood-Red Hardsuit
Syndi Hardsuit.png
8 TC Full Body 40 50 30 15 35 100 50 The feared suit of a syndicate nuclear agent. Toggling the suit into combat mode will allow you all the mobility of a loose fitting uniform without sacrificing armor. Additionally the suit is collapsible, small enough to fit within a backpack. Comes packaged with internals. Nanotrasen crewmembers are trained to report red space suit sightings, these suits in particular are known to drive employees into a panic.
Black and Red Space Suit
4 TC Full Body 40 50 30 15 30 30 30 A complete, red space suit. This suit's movement penalties are fewer than an EVA space suit! Useful if you need to hide in a vacuum. They can also hold a wide selection of items in suit storage. Comes packaged with internals. Nanotrasen crewmembers are trained to report red space suit sightings, although since these can be found quite often in maintenance, expect less panic than a blood red hardsuit.


Item Cost Purpose Description
Adrenal Implant
8 TC Use this if you are in a fight, or need to run for it. An implant injected into the body, and later activated using an icon at the top of your screen to inject a chemical cocktail which will heal you over time, increase your movement speed and remove any stuns you currently have while making you recover from future ones faster. Each implant comes with enough for 3 doses, so time your use of it carefully.
Storage Implant
8 TC Hiding Items inside your body. First, use the implanter on yourself. It will give you two inventory slots, each capable of holding a normal sized item. To open this hidden inventory, click on the icon on the top of your screen. It can be detected by scanners and surgically removed, and does not transfer on death.
Freedom Implant
5 TC Escaping from cuffs quickly. If you inject yourself with this, you can get out of any restraints such as handcuffs by selecting and then using an icon at the top of your screen. This will immediately drop the handcuffs at your feet when used, so be ready to run for it! Each implant will allow you to escape 4 times before it expires, but be warned that most officers will figure out you have this implant after the first use and will likely plan accordingly for future encounters.
Mindslave Implant
10 TC Gaining an ally. A box containing an implanter filled with a mindslave implant that when injected into another person makes them loyal to you and your cause, unless of course they're already implanted by someone else. Loyalty ends if the implant is no longer in their system. Mindshielded Individuals are Immune to it.
Uplink Implant
Syndicate uplink.png
14 TC Gaining a second, hidden uplink. When you inject this into someone (preferably you), you can access a hidden traitor uplink by clicking an icon at the top of your screen. The uplink comes with 10 telecrystals already loaded, but you can add or remove more telecrystals if desired. This is handy if you get caught as a traitor and are jailed, but be warned that this implant can be removed like any other and will additionally not transfer if you die and are cloned.

Bundles and Telecrystals

Item Cost Purpose Description
Syndicate Bundle
20 TC This spawns a syndicate box with one of nine random item sets.

The bundles provide an emphasis on teamwork, as they are guaranteed to contain a Syndicate Encryption Key for communicating with fellow traitors. See Syndicate Bundle Equipment for bundle details.

Syndicate Surplus Crate
20 TC Being an Economic Traitor. A crate containing 50 telecrystals worth of random syndicate items. This includes possible repeats(Be ready to get five boxed spacesuits) and job specific gear as well(Be a sithmaster with a double E-sword and lightning gloves.)
Syndicate Super Surplus Crate
40 TC Being a HIGHLY Economic Traitor. A crate containing 125 telecrystals worth of random syndicate items. Because of the much higher price compared to the regular surplus crate, you'll need to team up with at least 1 other traitor to afford it.
Raw Telecrystals
Variable Giving telecrystals to other agents, charging additional uplinks. Raw telecrystals extracted from the uplink. Handy when trading with other agents or charging a separate uplink such as the implanted version. Can be bought in 1, 5 or 20 telecrystal stacks. Operatives can additionally buy them in stacks of 50.

(Pointless) Badassery

Item Cost Purpose Description
Briefcase Full of Cash
1 TC Bribing People. A secure briefcase containing 5000 space credits. Useful for bribing personnel, or purchasing goods and services at lucrative prices. The briefcase also feels a little heavier to hold; it has been manufactured to pack a little bit more of a punch if your client needs some convincing, dealing 15 brute damage on hit.
Syndicate Balloon
20 TC Looking awesome and getting lynched for having a balloon. In the actual PDA this will show up as "For showing that you are the Boss". It's a red balloon with a white S on it. It does balloon type stuff such as floating and being filled with helium. Be prepared for the valids who see the balloon and instantly are out for blood.
Syndicate Playing Cards
Syndicate Playing Cards.png
1 TC Games. Ranged weapon. A special deck of space-grade playing cards with a mono-molecular edge and metal reinforcement, making them lethal weapons both when wielded as a blade and when thrown. Does about 10 damage when thrown on an unarmored target. You can also play card games with them.
Syndicate Smokes
Syndicate Smoke.png
2 TC Relaxation. Healing. Strong flavor, dense smoke, infused with Omnizine.
Plastic Bag
Plastic Bag.png
1 TC A highly robust storage and suffocation tool. A flimsy plastic bag that can hold up to 7 small items. You can equip it to your belt slot to use it as a makeshift military belt or equip it to a head slot to cover someone's head with the bag. This will slowly suffocate them to death unless they have internals.

Syndicate Bundle Equipment

Bundle Name Bundle Contents Purpose Description
Complete your objectives quietly with this compilation of stealthy items.
Smuggler's Satchel.png
Steal from friends, enemies, and interstellar megacorporations alike!
Shake your Martini and stir up trouble with this bundle of lethal equipment mixed with a spritz of gadgetry to keep things interesting.
Infuriate the entire crew with a barrage of breaches, power failures and Chief Engineer levels of irritation.
Alright guys, today we're performing a heist on a space station owned by a greedy corporation. Drain the vault of all its worth so we can get that pay dirt!
A few useful implants to give you some options for when you inevitably get captured by the Blueshield Security.
Hack the AI with either a custom law, or an Ion law (or both!) then talk with the AI and borgs using your Binary translator key. HACK THE PLANET!
Turn your anger into hate and your hate into suffering with a mix of energy swords and magical powers. DO IT.
Suit up and handle yourself like a professional with a long-distance penetrator sniper rifle, additional soporific knockout rounds and a highly lethal edagger for when you need to get your hands dirty.