
Материал из SS220 Paradise Wiki (SS13)
Версия от 19:14, 24 апреля 2021; imported>Oldzero (Было переведено: наименование типа персонала, главы роли, типа сложности, доступа, обязанностей, краткое описание роли. Название раздела Overview был переведено как ''Про роль''. Текст раздела также был переведён без потери смысловой нагрузки. Начат перевод гайда ''как добавить книгу в базу данных'')
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Глава: Глава Персонала
Сложность: Легко
Руководства: Guide to Paperwork
Доступ: Библиотека, Private Study
Обязанности: Написание и чтение книг. Снабжение библиотеки
Сервисный Отдел

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Глава Персонала

Канал связи :z

Сотрудники Департамента
Руководства для Сотрудников
Зоны для сервисного отдела
БарбершопКоморка уборщика

Библиотекарь проводит большую часть своего времени в библиотеке, распечатывая книги и выдавая их на время. Иногда вас могут попросить распечатать бланки. На практике, книги обратно вам не вернут, поэтому бросьте попытки возвратить их назад. Решили прогуляться по станции пока нет посетителей? Смело в путь, на вас некому ругаться. Компьютер библиотеки сохраняет свое содержимое от игры к игре. Вашу писанину можно будет распечатать и выдать в других раундах.

Про роль

Вы будете распечатывать бланки по просьбе, выдавать книги нуждающимся. Например, Библию для капеллана. Ещё одна область вашей работы - написание и загрузка (об этом ниже) новых книг в архив.

The Librarian and his Library

First things first, stock your Library with books that matter and tag the ones already there. At the start of the station, your bookshelf's will have some books, but they'll be quite disorganised. Your fellow crew members will not want to stay in a Library that has no books. To fix this use the Library's Check In/Out Computer's and use its function, "4. Connect to External Archive". Here is the main dish of your sum total of existence, to sort out in the mess of books, and find only the BEST. The books are not sorted, or sortable, and look to have no order what so ever. You will even find many books hand copy's in the archive. To retrieve the selected book, simply order using that book's number, and the Check-In/Out Computer's printer will hum as it produces a completely bound book.

The Library is not you workspace, but a home, to you and your books. Keep your books segregated like an 1960 bus, and sort them on their labelled book-shelves. Reference for toturials and books that teach things; non-ficiton for history, self-help or biographies; Religion for religious books; etc. Keep in mind that server rules still apply to books! Don't upload anything that would violate the rules, even if it's going into the "Adult" section. There's a bookcase on your office called "Forbidden Knowledge", this bookcase can be filled with only the imagination begin the limit: From guarding all adult books there instead of puting on the adult and asking money for it to making books about Nar'sie and other antags and hidding on it.

The barcode scanner will be needed for checking books into the local library's computer. It has 4 settings they are as follows:

Mode 0 : Scan book to local buffer.  
Mode 1 : Scan book to local buffer and set associated computer buffer to match.
Mode 2 : Scan book to local buffer, attempt to check in scanned book.
Mode 3 : Scan book to local buffer, attempt to add book to general inventory.

(Note:Use the scanner on the computer, otherwise it wont work)

Как написать и добавить свою книгу в архив

1. Берём ручку и чистый листок.
2. Write your properly formatted story.
3. Найти Book Binder и клацнуть по нему вашим произведением. Он вернёт вам лист и через пару секунд выдаст готовую книгу. Замечание: для создания книги хватит одного щелчка, не стоит клацать по нему кучу раз, это создаст ненужное количество копий
4. Still have that pen? Good, you can sign your name, add more content, and even title it.
5. This book is ready to be send through to the NanoTrasen database! Ask your Librarian to scan this book into the computer, using the scanner.
6. Once scanned, use the Check In/Out Computer's 5th function, "5. Upload New Title to Archive"
7. Here you can change the category, change the author once more, and view the title.
8. After reviewing the book, and being ready to publish, use the "UPLOAD" command.


A journalist is a different kind of librarian, instead of making books and filling the library he runs across the station making news for an internal publication. Notice that you will create a column of a newspaper, so don't create titles like "SS13 news", but instead "Librarian's Column". Remember that you still keep the library, so if someone asks for a book or wants to publish a book, please respond to their requests!

When you like a bit of RP journalist is a great role because with the right amount of personality in you column you can steer the opinion of the crew, which sometimes is better than any weapon. we all know the pen is mightier than the sword after all

You submit your column by using the newscaster on the wall.

When submitting a column you can also add a photo to your article, this is done by first of all snapping a suitable picture. Then having it in your hand as you attach a photo, while creating an article. It may look a bit odd at times in the actual newscaster, but if you really want the article shown along with the photo in a clear fashion, then print out a newspaper.

You can print out a newspaper at any newscaster that is filled with liquid paper. At the start of each round, each newscaster is filled up with plenty of liquid paper.

If you want to show someone a specific article or part of the paper, you can interact with the newspaper yourself, and flip to the page that you would like to show someone. When the next person opens up the newspaper, it will be on the same page as the one the last person looked at before closing it.


This is the hardest job as a traitor. However, if you are an expert at deconstruction and get a few good items, you shouldn't have TOO much difficulty, other than your terrible access. Emagging the library computer causes it to spit out an Arcane Tome. You need to be a real cultist to read it though, so unless you are one, you can only use it to try to confuse Security.